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Multilingual Text Analysis MLTA - Comparative Corpus Linguistics


Multilingual Text Analysis is a major subject and can be studied in three variants: with 120, 90 or 75 credit points (CP). The table below shows a possible structure. Detailed information you will find (in German) on the pages C.4 - C.15 of the

MLTA Studienordnungen (PDF, 657 KB)

Semester Course 120 KP 90 KP 75 KP
1 Basic Course MLTA in Computational Linguistics 6 6 6
Project Seminar 6 3 3
Course in Linguistics*, e.g. German 6 6 6
Course in Linguistics*, e.g. Romance Languages 6 6
Selective Course** 6
Total S1 30 21 15
2 Advanced Course MLTA in Computational Linguistics 6 6 6
Workshop Week 6 6 6
Research Seminar 6
Course in Linguistics*, e.g. English 6 6 6
Selective Course** 6 3
Total S2 30 21 18
3 Final Course MLTA in Computational Linguistics 6 6 6
Conference Attendance with Presentation / Summer School with Project and Report 6
Course in Linguistics*, e.g. Slavic languages 6 6 6
Selective Course** 6 6
Selective Course** 6
Total S3 30 18 12
4 Master's Thesis with Presentation 30 30 30
Total S4 30 30 30
Total 120 90 75

The curriculum may be subject to change.

* You must successfully complete at least 3 out of the 4 Linguistics modules: English, German, Romance or Slavic Language (at least one course per module).

** Various modules are valid as Selective Courses: Master Courses out of the subjects of Computational Linguistics, Linguistics, or Informatics. Also internships and (additional) summer schools are valid as Selective Courses. For detailed information please contact the Student Counselling MLTA.

Weiterführende Informationen

Student Counselling / Contact

lic. phil. Jeannette Roth
Institut für Computerlinguistik
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 635 7124

Regulations / Flyer

The MLTA Study Regulations you will find on the pages C.4 - C.15 (in German).