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Multilingual Text Analysis MLTA - Comparative Corpus Linguistics

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Bologna 2020 - Information about the transition

As part of the university reform «Bologna 2020», the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is revising its Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

As of autumn semester 2019, only the following two Master's combinations will be offered at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:

  • Major (90 ECTS) combined with Minor (30 ECTS)


  • Mono (120 ECTS)

MLTA expires - the follow-on programme is called «Digital Linguistics»

The Master's programme Multilingual Text Analysis (MLTA) will no longer be offered from this point onwards, it is a so-called «Auslaufendes Programm» (expiring programme).

As a replacement for MLTA, a new mono-master's programme called «Digitale Linguistik» / «Digital Linguistics» will be offered from autumn semester 2019 onwards. This is a focus within the mono-master programme «Sprachwissenschaft» / «Linguistics».

Further general information about the study reform «Bologna 2020» can be found on the corresponding website of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Weiterführende Informationen

MLTA goes to Gothenburg

In June 2020 the MLTA students will travel to Gothenburg.

Student Counselling / Contact

lic. phil. Jeannette Roth
Institut für Computerlinguistik
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 635 7124

Regulations / Flyer

The MLTA Study Regulations you will find on the pages C.4 - C.15 (in German).