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Multilingual Text Analysis MLTA - Comparative Corpus Linguistics

Fees and funding

Tuition Fee

The tuition fee at the University of Zurich is CHF 789.- (approx. EURO 525) per semester. Please check the website of the University of Zurich for further information on costs of accomodation etc.

Student Financial Aid Office

The office for student financial aid is the first address for questions about financing your studies at the University of Zurich.

Student Assistantships

Early applicants have the possibility to get employed as student assistants in parallel to the study . For details, please, contact Student Counselling at

Mobility Programs

Depending on your home country, you probably have other possibilities to apply for financial support. For details, please, check

Weiterführende Informationen


Student Counselling / Contact

lic. phil. Jeannette Roth
Institut für Computerlinguistik
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 635 7124

Regulations / Flyer

The MLTA Study Regulations you will find on the pages C.4 - C.15 (in German).
