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Multilingual Text Analysis MLTA - Comparative Corpus Linguistics

Text und Berg digital

This joint project of the German Department and the Institute of Computational Linguistics is concerned with the digitisation and annotation of the yearbooks of the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC).

The yearbooks 1910, 1911 and 1912 have already been made available in digitised form and can be inspected on the SAC website.

Project heads:


The project is supportet by the Swiss Alpine Club and is running since 2008.

More information:

Weiterführende Informationen

Student Counselling / Contact

lic. phil. Jeannette Roth
Institut für Computerlinguistik
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 635 7124

Regulations / Flyer

The MLTA Study Regulations you will find on the pages C.4 - C.15 (in German).